Welcome to

B rdeaux North

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A Vision For The Future

Coming soon

A Beacon of ​Community & ​Opportun​ity

Our vision is to create Community Centric Revitalization & ​Economic Opportunities.

B rdeaux North

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Big Opportunities

Bordeaux North Features

Female Small Business Owner

Micro Units For Small ​Businesses

Affordable, flexible rental options ​to nuture local entrepreneurs

starting with spaces as small as 5ft x5 ft

Female customer shopping in retail store

Standard Retail Spaces

Attracting a diverse range of ​businesses to serve the community ​and draw in visitors.

Beautiful Shopping Women

Thriving Shopping Area

A vibrant hub that stimulates local ​economy and brings the ​community together.

B rdeaux North

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B rdeaux North

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Why ​Bordeaux ​North?

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Less than 15 minutes from Downtown.

Preserve Community.

Support Local Businesses.

Enhance Quality of Life.

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Bordeaux: A bustling community with rich history​ in the heart of Nashville

Happy customer in small retail store


Find your new business

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Bordeaux North Small Business Short Term Rentals

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Black women, owners of successful small business
Black Friday

30 Day Lease

3 Month Lease

Shadow effect. Square shadow.
Shadow effect. Square shadow.
Shadow effect. Square shadow.
Woman Wearing Black Businesswear

6 Month Lease

Optional 30 Day, 3 Month & 6 Month ​Lease Terms

*with opportunity for 2 year and​ longer terms at the end​ of 6 months

Test Viability & Give Your Small ​Business a Centra​l Home

All Utilities Included in Price​

Bordeaux Economic Development ​Membership Exclusive Events​

Networking Opportunitie​s



B rdeaux North

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A community project led by the Elpizo Fund llc.

Co​ntact Us

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Contact us 615-476-8971

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